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Maasland access solutions

Maasland Groep is a Dutch company and has been active since 1986 as an internationally operating product, service and knowledge supplier in the field of access solutions. By using our products, the entrances and exits become safer and more user-friendly.

Our mission is to provide and advise on integrated total access security solutions that ensure the safety and protection of people and their belongings.

Our expertise in the field of electronic and mechanical access security enables us to realize effective and efficient solutions, while observing the highest possible quality and reliability towards our customers.


Ventistone: the inventors

Processing and producing Ventistone profiles is one. But just think of such a simple solution! Jan Jansen van Doorn is the founder of Ventistone. He is a house painter and paint technician by profession, but he is also an inventor. This turned out to be a golden combination because that is how the ventistone profiles were created. Jan Janssen van Doorn: “Although it is known that dry wood does not rot and that correct details keep wooden facade joinery dry, the practice is unruly. Wood rot is therefore a recurring problem and repairing it only helps temporarily. So I decided to come up with something.” 
”Stone fiber profiles proved to be the solution. With the ventilating application of such profiles, sill covers and nose slats made of pressed stone fibre, on which water has no hold, you ensure that the underlying wood can no longer get wet. It actually works no different than the battens under your roof tiles. Have you ever seen it rot?"

Since 1980

”Ventistone is a family business and we are proud of that. Do customers notice that? We think so. Because it is a family business, we are just a little more involved. A customer immediately notices this from our service and our solutions for his issues. Just drop by for a cup of coffee and a meeting. Then we can show you our factory right away”.


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Address: De Hoogjens 51-55a

Postal Code: 4254 XV

Place: Sleeuwijk

T: 088-5002800

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Herenweg 69



T. 0297-764963

M. 06-16946451

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