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Creative & enthusiastic architects

Station-D Architects is a creative and enthusiastic architectural firm from Delft. We design housing projects throughout the Netherlands. The agency was founded in 2013 by Rico Heykant, Lars Hoogewerf and Tim van Beukering. We believe in a collaboration of different disciplines. As an architect, we feel a social responsibility to connect these disciplines within the building process. With a broad network of professionals, we are able to operate in all fields; from architecture to construction technology and from research to development. In this way we are able to guide your dream from the first idea to the delivery.



Architecture always starts with a question. For us, this question is the starting point for the architecture that we want to create for you as our client. We create designs that make people feel comfortable. Designs that appeal to all the senses; which respond to character, experience, emotion, use and form. Ultimately, the convergence of these aspects is what counts. Through careful analysis of the wishes, we are able to realize designs that ensure that people can live the way they want.

Realizing your dreams is our main focus. The constant dialogue enables us to perfectly shape your wishes. As architects, we conceive, design, develop plans, apply for permits, connect all parties, supervise the process and represent you as the client.

Architecture always takes place within a context. The context is a continuously informing whole, both physically and socially. Architecten reserves the right to design the architecture of the lot, the street and the city; the physical context. However, architecture is also created in a socio-economic, social, political and scientific context.

We design buildings that provide a specific response to the given context. Each assignment offers the opportunity to add value to the environment.

Station-D Architects strives for an architecture that goes beyond everyday design. We are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible, to make dreams come true and improve the quality of life. Each assignment challenges us to explore and apply new ways of living and new techniques. In this way we are always able to create inspiring and innovative designs that surprise.


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Address:Railway track 15

Zip code: 2613 BD

Place: Delft

T:  015 200 14 65

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Global warming challenges us to look for new innovations in society, and certainly also in architecture. Energy-neutral construction is central to your future building assignment. Thanks to our broad technical knowledge, we are able to realize designs that are future-proof and have a minimal impact on our environment, also for our future generations.


Architectural innovation from the concept to the smallest detail. The ambition that all partners of Station-D Architects share and which runs as a red thread through the design process in every project.

For each client we look for the right mix of a strong concept and professional detailing. We see design assignments as a connection between client, location, culture and budget. Based on the wishes and requirements, the budget and analyzes of the location, we look for a functional concept for the user, a logical structure in the (built) environment and a well-thought-out detailing of the object. All these aspects must ultimately merge in a creative way into one whole.

The client's question is the starting point in the design process, along the way design decisions are fed back to the client.

By constantly communicating, we create clarity for all parties, from user to architect and from local residents to builders. We do this by means of drawings, visualizations and models, in order to clearly visualize the spatial qualities of the design. Good relationships and agreements in the design and construction process form the basis for an inspiring architecture, an architecture with

support base.

The synergy of concept and technology is reflected in the detailing. That is the place where materials meet, the architecture begins to speak and the user experiences the building. As an architectural firm with a broad technical background, we see it as a mission to integrate technology early in the design process. This enables us to excel in detailing in the final stage.



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Herenweg 69



T. 0297-764963

M. 06-16946451

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