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Pyro guard

Pyroguard's produces fire resistant glass that enables architects, specifiers and installers to realize their vision of safe and beautiful living and working spaces. We believe that making buildings safe should not come at the expense of aesthetically pleasing architecture. Pyroguard is “First in Fire Glass,” where 'FIRST' is an acronym for our values:

Flexible - our customers and users come first, which means we are flexible in every area of ​​our operations. We are not only flexible in all layers of our organization, but also with our fire-resistant solution.

Independent - our independence sets us apart from our competitors. It allows us to offer products with a whole range of design elements and options for glass solutions with even third party counter windows.

Responsive - from specifiers and building owners to fabricators and installers, we respond quickly and accurately to your needs and provide the right answers.

Specific - As we specialize in this niche, we are better than anyone at providing expert advice. Our full R&D efforts focus on improving fire-resistant glass solutions in approved fire-resistant systems.

Technical - Pyroguard is built on solid technical foundations. From customer-focused technical support teams to our qualified R&D engineers, our team is at the forefront of the industry. Our products are certified according to the strictest technical standards and supported by extensive technical equipment.

Pyroguard is committed to adhering to fire safety standards in building codes, which set minimum requirements for injury and fire resistance in building materials, as well as structural stability and the ability to limit the spread of smoke and fire. All Pyroguard glass complies with these standards as it is minimal injury-proof and fire-resistant. All our Pyroguard fire resistant glass systems are supported by a Declaration of Performance (DoP statement)

Our dedicated team of specialists takes the time and care to ensure that you receive the advice and the technical and regulatory information you need to make your project a success.


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Address: Luchthavenweg 81 Unit 125

Postal Code: 5657 EA

Place: Eindhoven

T: Tel: 040-2888525

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Herenweg 69



T. 0297-764963

M. 06-16946451

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