Working together on a fantastic living environment is our motto. Perhaps also with you? Request a no-obligation consultation and ask your questions.
What does an architect do for me? What does an architect cost? Does MTB Architecten just design or do you advise me on everything needed to make my project a success? If I do not yet know whether my project is feasible, can you help me to understand the total investment required? Can you advise me if I don't yet know exactly what kind of building I need or can afford? Can you also contract a contractor and supervise the construction? And monitor the costs of my project? Do you know about sustainable, circular, ecological, passive and/or energy-neutral construction? What is MTB Architecten's view on the functionality and design of buildings? What is your vision on the role of the architect in solving my housing question? How do you design and what is my role in it?

Address: Asterweg 20 P2
Zip code: 1031 HN
Place: Amsterdam
T: T020 693 94 00
We are happy to tell you about our vision on integrated design, in which we take all important matters into account. Such as environment, design / architecture, functionality, construction, costs, planning, sustainability, flexibility and user experience. In addition, we would like to tell you about our vision on interactive design, in which we have an open attitude throughout the entire design process and take into account the influences of you as a client or user, and of the other stakeholders, in the design steps we take. We usually examine several design solutions and then discuss them with you, so that we can come to an optimal choice together. With us, every project starts with finding out and organizing the exact question, your Program of Requirements, the possibilities of the location and the investment required for the project. As a result, we are not faced with any surprises during the design process.
Start the conversation with us. This can be done online or live at our architectural firm, at MTB Architecten in Amsterdam or Apeldoorn, or at John van Dijk or Martijn Braunstahl in Amersfoort or Naarden. Make an appointment without obligation.