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Strengthening and characteristic architecture, for people and the environment


A building is an object in a space. Where people come together, meet each other, can work, relax.

And an object only becomes a building when a human factor is added. By giving it character and experience, without realizing what kind of technology and what kind of basis lies behind it. That should automatically feel good, an intuition.

A building designed by LA | Architects Engineers, feels like a warm coat; tailored to a person or to the function of the building. LA | stops there Architects Engineers not involved in the design of the exterior. The technical, integral design of installations, acoustics, light and air are also included in this.

LA | Architecten Ingenieurs works with people for people to give a certain identity and character to a certain place, while continuing to inspire each other to arrive at the best solution.

This is how we make something very special from nothing!


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Mgr. Van den Tilartstraat 1

5461 KX


0413 – 36 67 11

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We are happy to tell you about our vision on integrated design, in which we take all important matters into account. Such as environment, design / architecture, functionality, construction, costs, planning, sustainability, flexibility and user experience. In addition, we would like to tell you about our vision on interactive design, in which we have an open attitude throughout the entire design process and take into account the influences of you as a client or user, and of the other stakeholders, in the design steps we take. We usually examine several design solutions and then discuss them with you, so that we can come to an optimal choice together. With us, every project starts with finding out and organizing the exact question, your Schedule of Requirements, the possibilities of the location and the investment required for the project. As a result, we are not faced with any surprises during the design process.

Start the conversation with us. This can be done online or live at our architectural firm, at MTB Architecten in Amsterdam or Apeldoorn, or at John van Dijk or Martijn Braunstahl in Amersfoort or Naarden. Make an appointment without obligation.


Herenweg 69



T. 0297-764963

M. 06-16946451

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