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Address: De Sonman 20

Postal Code: 5066 GJ

Place: Moergestel

T: 0499-323288

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Facade products Benelux

About facade products Benelux

Facade Products Benelux provides advice and supplies products for the treatment of real estate. Our advice is based on years of experience and extensive knowledge of brick and concrete facades.

With our products, your facade will regain the desired appearance and protection without affecting it. The extensive range includes products for various applications, including moisture-resistant products and cleaning products. The products are suitable for both new construction and renovation.

Your masonry is guaranteed free of white marks for 10 years


You will certainly have noticed: new homes whose masonry looks as if it has had to withstand wind and weather for years. By absorbing rainwater and the associated moisture transport, minerals trapped in the masonry can increasingly come to the surface. The result: a white rash on your facade and/or a striking color difference.

At Facade Cleaning Benelux we understand that this is not the look you want for your home or building. That is why we offer you various solutions for removing white deposits on your masonry. Always suitable for your specific brick.

The treatment is carried out by professionals, so you can be sure that it is done properly. So good, in fact, that we dare to guarantee you for no less than 10 years that your masonry will not develop a white coating.


Your masonry gets what it deserves

If you are looking for a product or a processor for keeping masonry clean, then you have come to the right place. Thanks to our many years of experience and expert knowledge, the masonry gets the desired protection without being affected. After our treatment, your home or building will have the appearance it deserves again!

Façade cleaning Benelux treats walls professionally!


White bloom on masonry


After building or renovating, a white deposit sometimes quickly appears on bricks. This white deposit on masonry (which is often less than a year old) lies as a thin layer on the bricks. We call this white bloom or early bloom.

Gray facade or gray rash masonry


Are you dealing with a gray rash on your facade? And is the masonry about four or five years old? There is a good chance that it concerns graying or plastering of the facade. A layer is formed on the masonry that is white-grey in color.

Color bricks and add colors


It often happens that there is a color difference in a facade. Some of the bricks have a slightly different shade than the bricks of another delivery. The color difference is often only visible when the scaffolding is dismantled and the overall picture is visible. 

Do you want to make the facade water-repellent (hydrophobic)?

Experienced in facade cleaning.

Facade cleaning Benelux cleans, colors and protects all types of brick and concrete facades for both new construction and renovation and restoration.


In 2016 started Martin Bogers en Norbert Pel Facade cleaning Benelux. The two entrepreneurs have known each other for more than 10 years. At that time, they were already working in the construction industry. Martijn worked for many years in facade maintenance. Norbert worked for years as a supplier of construction chemicals. 

Innovative entrepreneurship in facade cleaning.

Martijn and Norbert each worked from a different company on problems related to discolored and polluted facades. The cleaning methods and agents were examined time and time again from different angles. Over the years, they discovered that some recipes were outdated and could be further developed. Years of experience with polluted facades and facade cleaning in combination with the knowledge gained and new ideas resulted in Facade Cleaning Benelux. A company in which Martijn and Norbert further develop cleaning products and methods together. The aim is to leave less damage to the soiled objects and to save the environment.

Your masonry gets what it deserves
If you are looking for a product or a processor for keeping masonry clean, then you have come to the right place. Thanks to our many years of experience and expert knowledge, the masonry gets the desired protection without being affected. After our treatment, your home or building will have the appearance it deserves again! And we guarantee that!



Herenweg 69



T. 0297-764963

M. 06-16946451

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